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We play, create memories, and put on a great show.
But festivals are so much more than a party. They are vehicles of change and transformation.
Festival City Adelaide considers itself a global citizen. That is why Adelaide’s festivals actively align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The 17 SDGs were agreed upon by 193 countries, which set out to collectively secure greater prosperity, resilience, and sustainability of our people and planet.
Our festivals work to do their bit in helping to advance the following goals.
new money contributed to South Australia’s economy
visitor nights created
estimated gross economic expenditure equalled
In 2023, it is estimated that the festivals under Festival City ADL’s umbrella delivered significant economic impact, including 1,784 FTE jobs, 690,009 bed nights, and 8.41 million in audiences.
Prepared by Barry Burgan, 2024, Economic Research Consultants Pty.
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