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02 - 20 Jul 2025

Illuminate Adelaide

Welcoming people from all walks of life to experience a program of free and ticketed events by local, national and international artists, Illuminate Adelaide is about staying up, heading out, and coming together. It’s about looking forward, breaking ground, and making memories. It’s about turning those long winter nights into an opportunity: to wake imaginations and let curiosity run wild.



02 - 20 Jul 2025

Event type

Digital, Exhibition, Installation, Music, Talks, Visual Arts


Metro Adelaide




12 King William Road
Unley SA 5061
1300 496 623
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Sitting at the intersection of art and technology, Illuminate reimagines the architecture of an entire city. Every July the dazzling family-friendly festival lights up the long winter nights with mesmerising site-specific installations, mind-bending projections and colourful AI-led fantasy worlds.

Held annually on Kaurna Country, Adelaide’s brightest celebration of art, light, music, and technology brings late nights, bright lights, and big adventures.

Throughout July the best and boldest luminaries from across the globe set loose across the city to create an invitation to experience something new. Something breathtaking. Something exciting.

Well-worn streets, hidden gems, and cultural icons are transformed into a city-wide spectacle of free and ticketed events daring the curious to shake off the winter blues and rekindle a sense of wonder.

Filled with artists, innovators, and the unexpected, Illuminate Adelaide is a beacon calling to all of us to stay up, head out, look forward, break ground, dance hard, and make memories.

Time to emerge from hibernation and explore a brave new world – where cold nights and bold ideas collide.

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